Saturday, January 25, 2014

National 'FOOLS Ball' League

I have been a football fan since 1958. I've watched players come and go...some of the great ones like Unitas, Starr, Peyton, Sanders, Lombardi, Butkus and so on. Over the past few years, it's been a disgusting situation in the NFL. Some of the players have ruined the sport and are nothing but a bunch of fools, buffoons, rapists, women beaters, murderers, and dope fiends. Even some of the coaches have joined this disturbing trend.

Where is their personal responsibility for their own actions? Their drive to be a great role model? Their integrity? Their morals?

So as of this blog posting, I am no longer a fan of the NFL. I will not watch any games or purchase any merchandise associated with the NFL. I also cancelled the NFL newsletter.
I encourage anyone else who shares my opinion to do the same.


Keep them rolling!